Back to my "normal" self after swimming in the black sea of my usual selfpity. Sometimes I laugh at myself, which, I guess, it's good after all, not to take oneself too seriously. I know I must be hard on my friends because my changing moods and emotions, one moment I am the most happiest and confident and the next I am sure that everyone hates me, lol...Oh and this anxiety..well, I guess I can sometimes be even happy for it as it surely must be one of the sources of the creativity. I am sure that people who are always "happy" and "pleased" really don't know how to play the blues. the title suggests, as a museumlover I've been very pleased to find that most of the biggest museums have excellent website for people who can't physically visit them as often as they'd love to.
When I lived in New York I visited them on a weekly basis, and even on a shorter trip I always try to visit at least one museum, even if I know that it takes many times to really see the place, not just run through it. Most of the museums are humongous and it's not worth it trying to see everything on one day, difficult if you kinda have to, but then I guess it's ok just to search for the highlights. Or see them online!!!!
I can still remember it so clearly, my first museum in New York. It was a hot and humid august afternoon and I had already been walking in my Dr Martens for miles, getting blisters. So I stopped by a little shop on Upper East Side to get bandaid and a bottle of Evian as I was heading towards the Guggenheim Museum. Even the building itself is a piece of art, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
The museums were actually one of the only reasons for me visiting uptown, except of Central Park and a guy I briefly dated who lived there ;-) (no, not in the park, on Lexington Ave & 81st)
A few blocks down from Guggenheim is the magnificent Metropolitan Museum Of Art. There was this hotdog-carriage in front of the museum and the lady tried to rob me, asking for an obscene amount of money for a hotdog and a soda...But hey, I was already pretty streetwise at the ripe age of 21 so I handled the situation with my Nordic Calmness, lol...the same happened a few months after that incident when my brother was visiting me and we took a cab in front of Macy's, going to see the Dakota House, and the driver tried to fool to his surprise he heard a whining yet polite sentence of newyork-jewish-finnish accent to tell him which way to drive!!
Where was I? Oh, the Met! That's where I first saw Dali's paintings "live". That's where I fell in love with both Klee and Klimt. Once again the museum is huge, takes days to go through, and on my numerous visits I found that my favorite department was actually Musical Instruments (well, I guess it's not a surprise).
Gotta leave for work soon, I'll continue with this one asap!
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