Well. Long time no see, eh? I remember starting this blog a few years ago. I can still remember the way I felt then, certain things triggered the urge to write, and now it has happened again. I think it's very interesting to notice how little you actually change when you get older, especially if and when you let your guard down. I'll be 36 yeard old in just a couple of weeks andI've certainly been through quite a lot; my father's sudden death, my divorce...I actually thought that life has taught me a lesson and I know now how to protect myself from doing anything that would not be wise. HA!!
Well. Let's just say, that if there is bar called LIFE, I went there, I was offered the most beautiful drink in the damn good looking Holy Grail, I had it, and asked for more, until the hangover hit me like hammer in the head. Now it's time to lick wounds and wait until this all will change into a wonderful memory. Heart definitely rules the head.